COVID-19 Response
Berry continues to closely monitor the rapidly evolving concerns, guidelines, and recommendations regarding the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). During this unsettling time, the health and safety of our employees and their families, our communities, healthcare providers and others on the front lines of this pandemic are our top priorities. Not only is it imperative that our people are safe and healthy, but we must continue to supply affordable, reliable, and locally-sourced energy to ensure the economic and social well-being of our customers, serving them as we always do.
Here are the some of the important steps we’ve taken:
- We established our Berry COVID-19 cross-functional response team comprised of the executive team, information technology, human resources, administration, and building management, which is now meeting virtually several times per week to review recent developments and guidance, assess the Berry team’s work from home status and effectiveness, and identify any appropriate response actions
- We offered Coronavirus 101 – What You Need to Know training online to ensure our people have the right information to protect, recognize, and prevent the spread of the virus
- To ensure the ongoing safe operations of our critical infrastructure, oil field operations remain business as “almost” usual with essential personnel practicing protective and social distancing measures
- We implemented a temporary flexible Work From Home protocol to support our people who are caring for their families and minimize the probability of spreading the COVID-19 virus
- We made donations to several non-profits in our communities to help alleviate the economic and social impacts of this unprecedented crisis
- We established a new corporate matching gift program to support the communities where Berry employees live and work, whereby Berry will match employee donations on a $1 for $1 basis up to a maximum of $500 per year
Our promise to all stakeholders: we will remain well-informed and prepared to respond to this evolving situation as we continue to conduct our operations in a safe and healthy manner and support the communities in which we work and serve.